How Tall Can I Build My Fence?

How Tall Can I Build My Fence?

How Tall Can I Build My Fence?


Are you looking to build a fence around your property? Then you may be wondering how tall you can legally make it. The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. Depending on where your property is located, there may be regulations and restrictions in place that limit the height of your fence. If you’re considering having a fence built, it’s important to understand all of your local regulations before getting started.

Regulations Vary by Location

The first thing to keep in mind is that regulations vary from one location to another. In some areas, fences cannot exceed six feet in height without a permit; other areas may have no restrictions at all. You should also take note of any utility easements near your property; if the fence is within an easement, there are likely additional restrictions on the type and height of the fence that can be built. The best way to determine what regulations apply to your particular situation is to contact your local government or speak with a licensed fencing contractor who knows about local building codes and zoning laws.

Privacy Versus Decorative Fences

Another important factor to consider when determining how tall you can build your fence is whether or not it will be used for privacy purposes. Privacy fences are typically allowed to be taller than decorative fences—some cities allow privacy fences up to eight feet high, while decorative fences are typically limited to four or five feet tall. Be sure to check with local authorities regarding any specific rules regarding privacy and decorative fencing in your area before making a decision on how tall your fence should be.

Contact Byers Fence for Your Project Estimate

If you’re looking for experienced professionals who know the ins-and-outs of local codes and regulations, look no further than Byers Fence Company in Sanford, Florida! Our team has years of experience helping customers build beautiful fences that meet all local requirements—so give us a call today for a free project estimate!



Building a fence around your property isn’t as simple as it looks—there are lots of factors involved! It’s important to understand all applicable regulations before beginning any project, so contact Byers Fence Company today for more information on how tall you can legally build your fence in Sanford, Florida! We look forward to hearing from you soon!