How Far Apart Should Fence Posts Be

How Far Apart Should Fence Posts Be

How Far Apart Should Fence Posts Be


Fences serve as a great addition to any property, creating a clear boundary and offering privacy and security. When erecting a fence, it's important to ensure that it is strong and sturdy to last for many years. One of the key components of building a fence is the placement of fence posts. The distance between fence posts can have a significant impact on the strength and stability of the fence. In this blog post, we will discuss how far apart fence posts should be and why it matters.


The type of fence matters

Different types of fences require different spacing between posts. For instance, a wooden fence requires a closer spacing compared to a chain-link fence. Wooden fences may need a post every six to eight feet, whereas chain-link fences may require a post as far as ten feet apart. The type of fence you install will determine the spacing between your posts to make sure it's strong and durable.

Soil and weather condition

Another critical factor is the location where the fence will be built- the soil composition, drainage, and weather patterns. Soil type and weather conditions can impact the fence's stability and impact the distance between fence posts. For instance, if your soil is soft and the ground is often wet, you may need closer posts to keep the fence steady. If the soil is dry and rocky, you may need to space your post further apart.

Height of the fence

The higher the fence, the closer the posts should be placed. This is because taller fences exert more pressure on the posts, which can cause them to bend or break over time, especially if the spacing between posts is too wide. A seven-foot fence would need to have posts spaced six feet apart, while a four-foot fence could be spaced eight feet apart.

The purpose of the fence

The purpose of installing the fence also determines the spacing between posts. If your fence is for privacy and security, closer posts would be ideal. On the other hand, a decorative fence or one that marks borders may not need to be as sturdy as the former.

Fencing codes

Lastly, you may want to consult local zoning laws and fencing codes to ensure that your fence's spacing meets regulations. Some states have specific regulations and codes that homeowners must abide by, and it's essential to review them to avoid penalties in the future.



Installing a fence might seem like an easy task, but it's crucial to ensure its stability now and in the future. By understanding the factors that influence the spacing of fence posts, you can choose the right distance based on your preferences and needs. At Byers Fence, we take pride in designing and installing sturdy and beautiful fences that stand the test of time. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our fence contractors in Sanford.